
Note: Basic Categories of Networks are LAN and WAN and the others have gradually emerged over many years of technology evolution.
Types of Networks
LAN Local Area Network
WLAN Wireless Local Area Network
WAN Wide Area Network
MAN Metropolitan Area Network
SAN Storage Area Network, System Area
WLAN Wireless Local Area Network
WAN Wide Area Network
MAN Metropolitan Area Network
SAN Storage Area Network, System Area
CAN Campus Area Network, Controller Area
PAN Personal Area Network
DAN Desk Area Network
Note:How ever there are several types of network as said above but here we will learn about the basic networks like LAN , MAN and WAN.
PAN Personal Area Network
DAN Desk Area Network
Note:How ever there are several types of network as said above but here we will learn about the basic networks like LAN , MAN and WAN.
LAN:LAN stands for "Local Area Network".It can consist of 1 or two adjacent building i.e offices.The maximum length of Local area network is 100 meter.As it cross 100 meter there begins Attenuation. How ever if we are using cat-5 or cat-6 STP(shielded twisted pair cable than its range can be more than 100 meter.
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